Have you ever witnessed microaggressions while facilitating and not known what to do, or wished you had done something different?
Join Aravinda Ananda and Janna Diamond for this 6-hour workshop exploring approaches to addressing microaggressions. This is geared specifically to Work That Reconnects facilitators or people in the Work That Reconnects community who would like to explore and practice different approaches to being an active bystander. We will work with examples that have happened in Work That Reconnects workshops as a way to build capacity and skill for the next time microaggressions happen.
During our time together we will explore ways to respond and intervene when harm happens with a particular focus on microaggressions. This training has three components: first we will explore microaggressions, their impact, and approaches for intervening when they happen; next we will look at some of our internal conditioning and nervous system responses; and we will conclude with opportunities to practice interventions through role-plays.
About the facilitators:
Aravinda Ananda (she/they) is a social ecologist and author of the forthcoming book Living rEvolution. Aravinda has been facilitating Work That Reconnects since 2011 and for the past four years has been one of the main conveners of the Anti Oppression Resource Group which focuses on integrating undoing oppression approaches into Work That Reconnects facilitation. https://livingrevolution.net/
Janna Diamond (she/her) is a somatic practitioner working at the intersection of trauma healing, consciousness, and the climate crisis. Her work focuses on supporting people to cultivate inner resources for collective evolution. Janna has a private therapeutic practice, leads groups internationally, and has been facilitating WTR since 2015. www.jannadiamond.com
This workshop is limited to 20 participants. To register, please fill out this form.
There will be a limited amount of pre-reading asked of participants before the program begins.
Sliding scale $80-$240. Paying $240 helps support people who need to pay $80. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Please email connect@livingrevolution.net with any questions