A fifth Earth Leadership Cohort will be convening in Fall of 2019 meeting three times: August 29-September 3; October 18-October 20 and November 14-17.
The Earth Leadership Cohort is designed to support young adults ages 18–30 in their leadership in a time of great ecological and social distress. The primary modality it draws upon and teaches is the Work That Reconnects. Over the years the ELC program has evolved to also have a strong anti-oppression focus. Originally called Despair and Empowerment Work, the Work That Reconnects has helped activists all over the world express some of their deepest feelings about what is happening to the world and build strength and solidarity to act on its behalf.
Please read the full program description on interhelpnetwork.org for more information and to apply. The application deadline has been extended until June 21st. If there is space in the cohort, applications may be accepted after June 21st, but there is no guarantee.